A tactile maquette inspired by Palazzetto dello Sport, built in Rome between 1956 and 1958 by the architect Pier Luigi Nervi.
Plexiglass disks and wires recreate the structure and its aestethic and mathematical principles in a conceptual way. The dome pours his load on a foundations ring: wires follow the route of the forces and simulate the ceiling texture.
Here a description of the building www.archidiap.com/opera/palazzetto-dello-sport/

The project was exposed in MAXXI, main art contemporary museum in Rome, in the exhibition “Pier Luigi Nervi. Architetture per lo sport” from 5th February 2016 to 23rd October 2016.
The maquette was part of an inclusive path for blind people.
In collaboration with Centro Sant'Alessio and Federazione ProCiechi we designed tactile board to support a well-rounded overview and comprehension.
Here a link to the exhibition www.maxxi.art/events/pier-luigi-nervi-e-lo-sport/

First prototype

Born as University Project
Course of Matematica per il Design + Storia del Design + Teoria della Forma
Prof. Giordano Bruno + Prof. Angelo Capasso + Prof. Massimo Ciafrei
BA in Design
Course of Matematica per il Design + Storia del Design + Teoria della Forma
Prof. Giordano Bruno + Prof. Angelo Capasso + Prof. Massimo Ciafrei
BA in Design
Developed as Personal Project
in collaboration with
• MAXXI – Public Engagement Office – Stefania Vannini
• Centro Regionale Sant'Alessio
• Federazione Nazionale delle Istituzioni ProCiechi ONLUS
in collaboration with
• MAXXI – Public Engagement Office – Stefania Vannini
• Centro Regionale Sant'Alessio
• Federazione Nazionale delle Istituzioni ProCiechi ONLUS
Team Project
Aureliano Capri, Elettra Renzi
Aureliano Capri, Elettra Renzi