Interactive table designed for Edison stand in hospitality and hotellerie sector fair.
Edison aim was to present innovative solutions to build a hotel that offers energy savings and respect for environment. People are invited to know more, welcomed by a concergierie of the future.
Contents are projected on the table, thanks to a video-projector fixed on top of the stand. An interactive interface let visitors autonomously go deepen into the contents, playing with a touchable ☟ surface and a physical notebook with "moveable" pages.
Interface is divided in two interaction steps:
• on the left, a capacitive film let people push on projected elements - main element is a futuristic ring-bell ♪ - and change the contents projected on the right side
• on the right, a notebook with - apparently - six blank pages. Every page is composed by two sheets, a nfc tag hidden in between. When a visitor start leafing through the pages, contents appear.

Edison – Exhibit interactive table exhibition designed for temporary fairs
SIA Hospitality - 10-12/10/2018 - Rimini Fiera
ANCI Expo - 23-25/10/2018 - Rimini Fiera
ANCI Expo - 23-25/10/2018 - Rimini Fiera
+rearrangement for being a permanent installation at Edison Headquarter - Foro Buonaparte, 31 - Milan
project made with Studio Azzurro + Studio Base2