Fragile is a short-movie directed by Federico Russotto and produced by multidisciplinary video studio Slash Films.
Production was funded thanks to a 40-days crowdfunding campaign, carried out through Indiegogo platform and Facebook page
In order to create an imaginary and to raise the hype on the project, we adopted various communication techniques: event organisation, guerrilla marketing, spot video production, merchandising, official song recording, content writing, social media management.
After pre-production phase, shooting was made in five days in July 2016.
First screening for friend and funders was on 7th April 2017 in Cinema dei Piccoli in Rome.
Fragile went around Italy and Europe through some thriller/horror movie festival. It has been already selected by: FiPiLi Horror Festival (Firenze-Pisa-Livorno), Unrestricted View Horror Film Festival (London), Rome Cinema Doc (Rome), Palena Fim Festival (Palena), SmallMovie Festival (Calcinaia).
A young man faces a mysterious box containing his deepest fear. Becoming an adult, a husband and very likely a father. The most challenging duty for a man.
Fragile is a symbolic journey through our subconscious that manages to blur the line between dream and reality. A claustrophobic thriller with horror influences where a common apartment becomes an intricate labirinth with no way out. A film about those obsessions which haunt us inside and wait along the steps of our lives from which we can't subtract ourselves.